On Gv Downtown's facebook page last night the following question was posed...
Okay, now be honest...What more would YOU as an attendee like to see at our downtown Thursday Night market? We REALLY want to know :)
In the following nine hours there were 76 posts. The ideas ranged from more local musicians including a younger group that could be provided by NEO, art booths where kids could paint a clay pot, seating where people could sit and eat their ice cream and people watch, move the event to Friday night so more out of town folks could attend, Puppets, magic shows and clowns that make balloon animals.
It was not what the posts said that I found most interesting. It was the way GV Downtown's executive director Julia Jordan took the time to ask her customer base what they wanted. The event has changed, it is different today than it was "back then." If Julia is giving her customers what they ask for, then she is giving them a better product. Nice question Julia.
It is our intention as the downtown association to provide quality events that people will enjoy coming to... I have found that often the best way to interact and get much needed feedback about "how we are doing" and "what we can change" to improve our downtown events and amenities has been simply to ask the people! Social media forums have been ideal for this type of interaction. Thanks for the post guys!
ReplyDeleteJulia Jordan, GVDA